Never lose a document again!

Instantly track, monitor and locate all the documents through its assigned unique Document code.

Docutrakr is a web-based application that automates the process of receiving, accessing, and searching of documents for status monitoring. It records who received the document, assigns QR Code/ Document Code, stamps the date and time upon its receipt and indicates the status of the document while it is being processed. A set of process workflow combined with pre-assigned processor and expected turnaround time are automatically assigned by the system upon identification of the requested process following the submission of the hardcopy and attached documents.

Search facility using QR code or document code to track the following:

Who (processor/ organizational unit) or where (location) the document has been sent to

The expected turn-around time and the actual time spent to process the documents

The workflow from the receipt of the document until its filing

The location where the document and attachments are filed/ located

The processing status of the documents

General Features

Specify document processor (employee/ department)

Expected and Actual document processing time

Customizable Workflow per document

Document and its attachments filing location

Document processing status

Effortless status monitoring and document tracking

Web-based application with responsive User Interface

Enhanced Customer Service

Graphical representation of process workflows

User role access management

Built-in Audit Trail for better Security

Data Privacy Act (RA 10173) compliant

Cloud or On-premise deployment ready

Features & Functionalities

Document Receiving and Processing

  • Assignment, generation, and printing of QR code or Document code.
  • Printing of checklist of processes and required workflow
  • Realtime stamping of received document
  • Facilitate the attachment of related documents
  • Predetermination and assignment of process workflow per received document


Email/ in-app notifications for all status of submitted documents

  • Requestor – every receipt of the document by each processor stating the most
    recent status
  • Processor – upon receipt of the document by the next processor as acknowledgement

Dashboard Management

  • Built-in Customizable Dashboard that display, track and monitor the document through real time summarized information presented in pre-defined charts and
    graphical format.
  • In-App analytics that provides insights to the management that may supports decision making.

System Security

  • Two-Factor authentication using Password and Captcha
  • Configurable Password Policy
  • Viewing of complete audit trail history that monitors the activities done by each authorized user on the system that can be generated and retrieved easily.

Workflow Management

  • With Configurable workflow process for each document with computation of the time spent or Turn-Around-Time per processor and/ or Department/ Section/ Unit to complete the processing of documents
  • Flexible/ movable and configurable sequence of processes per workflow
  • Generate workflow diagram for each submitted document
  • With detailed information per process in the workflow for easier tracking of document status

Configurable Reference Tables

Ensures adaptability through definable and configurable data as follows:

  • Organizational unit – with definable multiple levels in the company (Dept/ Unit/ Section)
  • Employees – Master file of Employees and Department Unit, or Section of
    their assignment
  • Locations – where the documents may be stored or archived; with definable multiple tiers/ levels
  • Status of the Document – with setup of desired status per document phase
  • Processes – configurable list of processes with definable Turn-Around-Time
    for each process

Report Management

Generate Document Tracking Reports in Excel, CSV or PDF format:

  • Received QR Coded Documents for the day or for the period
  • Received QR Coded Documents per Organizational Unit
  • Processed QR Coded Documents for the Day/ Period
  • Processed QR Coded Documents completed on schedule/ time
  • Performing Department/ Unit for the Month – with the highest number of requests processed for the month. (selection of top 5, 10, 15, 20… etc.)
  • Performing Employees for the Month
  • Customizable Reports
  • Printable Audit Trail Report

Solve your document tracking problems today

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